Home > Bentley is Not a Jerk—A Relative Scale > Bentley Williams—The Only Guy With Class on The Bachelor/Bachelorette (admittedly a low bar)

Bentley Williams—The Only Guy With Class on The Bachelor/Bachelorette (admittedly a low bar)

In the last three weeks Bentley Williams has been called every derogatory name in the book, and people have bought into the drama. What The Bachelorette/Bachelor series hopes you never realize is that Bentley is actually the classiest guy from any season on both franchises.

To the women, we ask:  If you were The Bachelorette, who would you prefer as a contestant? Would you rather date a guy twice (with ~2hrs of alone time) like Bentley, who feigns interest in you, leads you to kiss him, and maybe even breaks your hear?  Or would you prefer to date a guy for 2 months, who has somewhat confused feelings about you. This other guy will capture your heart, sleep with you, and  also with two to five other contestants. Days later, he will toss you to the curb in a final rose ceremony so he can pick the other girl he slept with.

Ask yourself—is a relationship with Bentley better than every single “fantasy suite” date with any guy on The Bachelor? You don’t have to be a Bentley Apologist to answer–YES!  The betrayal we see every season of the series confirms this narrative.  Evidently, each Bachelor sleeps with an average of three girls per season.  You don’t have to go far on Google to find the creator of the show bragging (vicariously) that some sleep with as many as 5 girls on the show (Way to go, nice guy Bob Guiney)

Bentley did something no other guy has ever done on the show. He passed on all this garbage, said goodbye to the show, and kept Ashley from deeper heartbreak. People can hate what he says (even if the edits are true), but they can’t deny that taking himself out of the game when Ashley thinks he is “the one” is classier than any helicopter date or fancy dinner before a final rose ceremony. Yes Bentley, I’d rather have you date my daughter over any of those slime balls that the show typically holds up on a pedestal.

How about the producers and Chris Harrison? Is Bentley really the worst contestant ever? On an episode where William publicly humiliates Ashley in front of a live audience, the producers still manage to make it look insignificant next to Bentley. For savvy viewers, this is a pure ratings ploy created by out of context answers to unrelated questions. Sensational editing has made a mountain out of a molehill with Bentley on the show. Only in Hollywood would a guy who passes on all this garbage and forgoes a free vacation be so vilified, while a Bachelor that sleeps with all the contestants before picking “the one” gets held up on a pedestal as an example of a great catch.

Why did Ashley like Bentley so much when people repeatedly warned her about him? Maybe because the producers don’t want to show us any glimpse of Bentley that might be inconsistent with the villain they cast him as. But this is the side that Ashley loved, the Bentley that is kind and considerate. We’re betting that that is the Real Bentley.

  1. June 7, 2011 at 5:43 am

    Cheryl act like a lady and drop the profanity.

    • cheryle
      June 7, 2011 at 5:45 am

      Laughable!!! I doubt you should be giving me any kind of advise on morals….doucebag

      • June 7, 2011 at 5:47 am

        This is not Bentley. This is someone that worships Bentley’s hair. Bentley is under contract.

        • June 7, 2011 at 8:39 am

          Whoever you are your’re just as evil

        • bentley fan
          June 8, 2011 at 12:25 am

          come on olivia…practice what u preach

        • Anonymous
          June 8, 2011 at 5:03 am

          found out this really is bentley. So, will this experience be “Cozy for Cozette?” Or do you really even know your daughter?

  2. Beth Pentz
    June 7, 2011 at 5:44 am

    Narcissistic sociopath!! His poor little daughter would be better off without him!!

    • Billy
      June 8, 2011 at 8:54 pm

      WOW Beth, that’s uncalled for and inappropriate.

      • Jennifer Spengler
        June 9, 2011 at 6:08 am

        I agree w/Beth. I think the ONE thing Bentley lied about to the camera (Bentley was only honest in his exclusive interviews) was that he “missed” his daughter at all. Then he used his daughter as his “out” with Ashley. What a jerk.

    • Guest
      June 9, 2011 at 9:54 pm

      MESSAGE TO BENTLEY OR HIS FRIENDS & FAMILY: I’ve watched this fake show for years and know all about the manipulation, editing, splicing, dicing and putting sentences together. All the out of context tricks and defamation of character.

      I suggest you come out immediately and do every interview you can and tell the whole truth about how you were portrayed and spill the beans about everything else on the show. Because I believe if you don’t, your life will never be the same again.

      ABC of course will threaten to sue you since you signed the contract, but by then they will be the ones in the firepit in the court of public opinion. I highly doubt that they will sue, and if they do, then publicly threaten to countersue. Make a huge public stink about this. EVERYONE WILL WANT TO INTERVIEW YOU. I don’t know if the producers paid you for coming back to the show later in the season, but if they did, just admit it. As long as you tell the truth about everything the public will be on your side. Bring this show down for what it is – manipulative, fake, immoral and willing to literally ruin someone’s life for ratings and money.

      They may even try to buy you off, but again, from what I’ve seen on the boards, blog, internet – well – everywhere – your life will never again be the same. A lot of stupid people watch this show and believe everything they see and hear is real. For yourself and for the sake your daughter (I’ve seen death threats to you and your loved ones) – make the truth public.

  3. cheryle
    June 7, 2011 at 5:48 am

    i know but if you love any part of him…..your probably a douche bag too

  4. slnbk
    June 7, 2011 at 6:42 am

    Bentley is a joke! I will never spend a dime in his business. How come they keep getting crazy people from SLC for the bacholor and bachelorette shows? This blog is such a waste.

    • Josh
      June 7, 2011 at 2:16 pm

      Yet you spend your time reading it. If you are spending your time on waste, then it reflects directly on you and what you value. If you value waste, you spend your time reading waste. If you don’t value waste, you wouldn’t spend your time reading what you call “waste”, let alone take time to comment on it.
      Don’t spend any money at his business if you feel so strongly about it. Your insignificant $12 is not going to be missed anyways.

  5. Cory Ingalls
    June 7, 2011 at 6:48 am

    The posts claiming Bentley’s a “good guy” is someone fooled. He is an expert manipulator. Major liar and proud of his still. He and his ex- wife are trying to ise this to pormote their ne businesses. Do they really think people are that stupid. Why would we support liars? The post stating he is not that bad with you compare him to other making a case for it all being relative are probably his friends, business partners or Bentley himself.

    Just because you are on TV does not mean you will have people running to support you. Avoid him and this ex-wife money hungry businesses from lies.

    He could fool Ashley for a little while. But he is NOT fooling us.

    If he was smarter he should have realized that we will not think he is a genuis for manipulating people. A value he clearly has!

    • Josh
      June 7, 2011 at 2:18 pm

      It seems that you are misinformed. If it is his ex-wife, then she probably has nothing to do with the business.

      Why would bad publicity be good for business? Think about it. This is not a big scheme in order to promote business with all this bad publicity.

  6. jessica tuck
    June 7, 2011 at 6:57 am

    What is this site about anyway?

    Someone else wrote this to apologize for him. lol

    Too funny. People support him because of his helmet hair and image. Truly image and all empty inside.

    Get real people!

  7. June 7, 2011 at 10:39 am

    I remember at the Bachelor look back last season how sweet Emily was saying the show made her look like such a boring person and she proclaimed to the viewing world–I am not boring. I wanted to have fun–like the girls did in all those other dates. She also said that Monday nights were the worse night of her life–trying to re-live the moments that happened 3 or 4 months ago–but were playing live for the viewing public to consider as if they happened yesterday. How unfortunate it was for Brad that he took those fantasy dates with the other girls when Emily considered that he had fallen in love with her. She wasn’t wearing the ring at the Bachelor look back–and they said as a couple they were working through all the garbage that appeared on the show. (And ABC was apparently trying to keep those 2 together so they could have their fantasy love????) I guess if we are dealing with a crowd that considers Brad a good guy (the guy who slept with however many girls in the quest for true love over 2 seasons and broke so many hearts), then we will never share a common definition of good or decency with these people.

    Do you think Bentley has ever even watched the show before? I’m thinking that Bentley thought that he was getting himself into a fun dating show. He had been divorced for a few years, and it was time to move on. I think he was probably shocked to see the craziness of the situation. I am proud of him for getting off the show. It probably had to be the hardest thing ever (I bet those producers tried everything to keep Bentley around from threats of breach of contract lawsuits to enticings of fame, riches, women, travel, and glory). So GO Bentley, for walking away from an impossibly bad situation whatever of the costs!

    Now is the next stage . . . the stage of silence. I cannot even imagine what it has to feel like to listen to garbage while being stripped of your individual right to defend your character. I don’t know which will be harder–getting off the show with a bunch of amoral producers or remaining silent for however long Bentley signed his life away.

    Regardless, once Bentley gets through the silence stage, then I think Bentley is bound for great things. I hope his daughter is bound for great things and I hope his daughter will find fairy tale happiness in this life. I pity the people that wish bad things on his daughter. Every child deserves the best in this life.

    So, I take comfort that this world of hateful viewers have attempted to destroy other wholesome and decent people. (For example, think about what Saturday Night Live did to Sarah Palin). Bentley is not the first and he will not be the last.

    I am not an avid watcher of the show, but I have heard people say that they have never seen ABC cast someone like Bentley before. But from Ashley saying that she was needy last season and Emily saying she was cast as someone boring and Bentley fans saying he was cast as a villain–I hope people know that going onto the show signs your life away in a way that you may not realize. It’s not all fun and games. Ratings is a serious business for ABC and your personal integrity and character is not too high of a price for those ratings. So I hope there are a few people that will contemplate a different life choice–and stay away from these trash producers.

    My final comment to hateful viewers is to get off the internet, turn off the TV and go and make a difference in this world. Your comments on this website and any other websites do not make a difference. They are being recorded on another type of reality show called “LIFE”. If you are worried about abused women and children, then go donate some designer clothing to a shelter that cares for these women and children. If you are worried about humanity, go volunteer in a soup kitchen for a day. Send some money to an organization that fights childhood disease or breast cancer! Make a difference, do good, and let’s play this real “reality” show that we call “LIFE” with decency!

    • Guest
      June 9, 2011 at 10:02 pm

      I doubt that Bentley’s life will ever be the same again. I’ve never seen this much venom and pure hatred directed at a contestant on this show. People are calling in and trying to ruin his business, sending death threats and even threats to his daughter. I can’t believe some of the things I’ve read on messageboards – these people are out to get him.

      The producers have sunk to an all-time low by convincing millions of people that Bentley is literally evil. I think Bentley should just go out there and do every interview he can to tell the truth about the show and redeem himself, contract or no contract. It’s the only way he’ll get his life back, and he’ll probably become a celebrity in the process anyway, getting hosting gigs and making plenty of money if ABC actually threatens to sue. I doubt they will, since they won’t want even more publicity about their sham of a show.

  8. Proxys
    June 7, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    I don’t really like Ashley as the Bachelorette, but this guy thinks being a tedious cretin on reality tv is original? He’s so…cliched. He’s the quintessential small-pricked Patrick Bateman wannabee, just like that Scott douche on Kardashians. It’s been done a million times before. Get a writer, moron.

    People are talking about boycotting his business or telling his ex-wife, through her blog, to use the footage to reduce his contact with Cozette before he harms her, as he clearly has some serious emotional problems and a tendency to be abusive to women- but I think he’s just another tired, talentless, nothing who tried way too hard to be different and ended up as a bigger cliche. I have no doubt that his daughter will realize what a pathetic wannabe loser he is by the time she’s 10.

  9. Trash
    June 7, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Funniest post I’ve read in a while. You should submit your unique definition of classy to urbandictionary.com.

    On the subject of new terms or redefined terms, @cheryle, I’m digging “doucebag.” Just submitted that to urbandictionary on your behalf. The sequel to douchebag.

    • June 7, 2011 at 3:43 pm

      ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
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      “Trash”, you have one of the best comments on our page (out of +20,000 hits). THANK YOU! And please come back.

      We don’t care if people are Pro or anti Bentley too much (you know our bias).

      • Cmon, really? ID theft elsewhere
        June 9, 2011 at 5:29 am

        Haha, yes, we all long for your approval of our taste and humour, You’ve certainly proven how discriminating you are in terms of heroes with your desperate sycophantic worship of Bentley.

        That said, I genuinely hope you make money off of his antics and will send you traffic. Losers like him deserve nothing less than to have trying-to-be-controversial bloggers making money off t-shirts of of his infamy; here’s hoping you don’t get sued. Guys like him have giant balls so guys like you can have super tiny retracted ones, usually.

        I hope for you that you someday have faith in your own writing talent – you are quite good and have a knack for finding a hidden angle: Bentley *is* better than most Bachelor scum. someday perhaps you will have enough faith in your talents to start a meaningful blog like realitysteve’s rather than this parasitic and desperate attempt to sucker off the teat of his controversy.

        You are kind of a limpet right now, and you could be a shark. Most bloggers can never be anything but parasites – here’s hoping you can rise above what seem to be your limitations in this work. I’d love to read more bloggers with the killer instinct of Jon Stewart rather than the pleading flattering desperation of Mario Lopez.

      • June 29, 2011 at 4:33 am

        How much money this pathettttic, idiot pay you?

  10. jr
    June 7, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    what the hell!? you have the guts and face to give reasons to people like this “Bentley Williams” who not only lied to escape but even openly saying that he prefers emily!!! why then he went back to the limo and say – i am not up for this because she is not what i expected to be here!!! and using her daughter as an excuse?! what a douchebag!! this guy is pure evil! and in his confession he was smiling and arrogantly saying that she is not her type and all but he kept on taking advantage of the poor lady while saying goodbye!!! get a life who ever you are creating this stupid blog!!! give your time to someone else deserving of your praise!!!

    • Anonymous
      June 7, 2011 at 8:15 pm

      I wonder if they start filming the show before they tell the guys who The Bachelorette is…

      • J
        June 9, 2011 at 2:47 am

        Half of the comments they use are from various interviews where they ask certain questions to get certain type of answers. For example, the part where he said, “I’m going to make her cry, I hope my hair looks OK”. Two sentences from two completely different interviews. The part when he said, “I hope my hair looks OK” was right after the hair person got done with his hair right at the beginning of filming that particular interview. They purposely trick the people to giving certain footage to use and manipulate whoever they want into being whatever character they want.
        Seriously, people who think the show ISN’T scripted are just dying to bash on someone and join the craziness. Almost as crazy as the masked man who, by the way, took the mask off while the cameras weren’t rolling. It’s all for the ratings people. And ABC sure did a heck of a job screwing Bentley over.
        Also, NEVER, under any circumstances, should anyone bash his ability to be a parent. I know plenty other “douce bags” (did I use the new term correctly?) out there who have children, neglect them, abuse them, damage them and forget them. Unless you absolutely know Bentley and absolutely know his TRUE character, you have no voice.

  11. lets think abouth this
    June 7, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    So I’m no fan of Bentley, or his hair HOWEVER- why is it that girls that fall for players are surprised when they get played? How do you ‘fall in love’ with a guy that you spent all of what, 6 hours with? How is Bentley by showing interest in Ashley and then deciding to leave worse than a girl dating and making out 15 guys at the same time and then telling them to pack their bags so much worse?

    Come on people! Granted the guy didn’t have to say the stuff he said, and given I would never date him, but a girl was fully warned before hand that a guy was a player, and she got played….while she was dating 15 other guys.

  12. Kris
    June 7, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    This has got to be the biggest joke. Realy? Saying he is classy is dispicable. The guy left,he was planning on staying if he got a rose that night,he did not and decided to leave becuz of that. He said I did not get the rose so he is leaving. In his twisted reality he probably thought she would send him home and like any coward would do is leave to have the say on when he left. For u to actualy defend him tells me u r just as dillusional than he is. He should have left that first night,he should have told her the truth he should not have used his daughter as an excuse that is another problem I have,if he left and told the truth I would not be so disgusted but he chose to emotionaly abuse her,it was cruel. I will never watch this show ever again. I am not happy with the producers either they are to blame as well.For you ti creat this site and defend him is beyond me,he is the devil and I hope he rots in hell.

    • June 7, 2011 at 8:11 pm

      Here at the Apologists, we never joke. We are as deadly serious as reality TV. The posts in this blog clearly attest to that.

    • Scrynt Cauldein
      August 29, 2021 at 6:52 pm

      It’s ‘despicable’!

  13. Kris
    June 7, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    This has got to be the biggest joke. Realy? Saying he is classy is dispicable. The guy left,he was planning on staying if he got a rose that night,he did not and decided to leave becuz of that. He said I did not get the rose so he is leaving. In his twisted reality he probably thought she would send him home and like any coward would do is leave to have the say on when he left. For u to actualy defend him tells me u r just as dillusional than he is. He should have left that first night,he should have told her the truth he should not have used his daughter as an excuse that is another problem I have,if he left and told the truth I would not be so disgusted but he chose to emotionaly abuse her,it was cruel. I will never watch this show ever again. I am not happy with the producers either they are to blame as well.For you to creat this site and defend him is beyond me,he is the devil and I hope he rots in hell.

  14. Mark de la Roca
    June 7, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    Oh and I didn’t bother addressing your post directly because it made absolutely no sense at all.

    Would you rather get punched in the face or kicked in the shins? To prove that the person who punches isn’t a bad guy?

    What? Are you raising your children with these morals? What if Ashely were your daughter? Would you still be sticking up for this creep using this kind of “reasoning” (ahem)

  15. shell
    June 7, 2011 at 11:21 pm

    So silly that Ashley fell for Bentley so quickly! It’s good for young women to see this though – look what happens when you fall for a guy based on a few hours and you like his LOOKS?

  16. shell
    June 7, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    What disturbs me the most is Ashley crying her eyes out over Bentley when she spent so little time with him…and she has some other decent guys who seem to like her – jesus h christ–what is wrong with her? No wonder she has to
    go on tv to find a boyfriend…she has some serious issues….she is immature, neurotic, crazy, over emotional & super needy-!
    Holy crap – and she’s one of the most pathetic females I have ever seen…get her into therapy-!

  17. shell
    June 7, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    Bentley is a dreadful role model for his daughter and how would Bentley like for his daughter to get treated this way by guys when she gets older ?
    I would be so disgusted and sick-at-heart if I knew my father had treated any women this way when he was young-!!! How you see, feel about, think about , treat and behave toward OTHERS is a direct reflection of how you see, feel about, think about , treat and behave toward YOURSELF…so we can now see that inside Bentley really despises himself.
    If he felt good about himself he could not treat another person the way he treated Ashley.
    What a bunch of disgusting jerks this show has on this time – from the pathetic loser who should have left his mask on to the drunk who left on the first night to this
    Bentley clown. What next? one of the guys is really a woman?

  18. Jessica
    June 8, 2011 at 12:09 am

    This whole shows a joke. you are expected to fall in love with someone over a few dates and marry them is ridiculous. she should know she most likely wont find love the show has like 0 % success so thats just stupid. shes dating like 15 guys and if you feel that strongly about one leave the show obviously your stringing the rest along. most people go on this show for fame thats it so i dont know why its a huge surprise. saying all that hes a dick and didnt have to say all that. it was rude and distasteful and obviously hurt her feelings. he arrogant and just deep down not a nice person. he wanted to be recognized and leave. and i dont find him all that attractive so take that out of the equation you have no case for him. its bad publicity but then again any publicity some people think is good

  19. Idgy
    June 8, 2011 at 3:54 am

    What a train wreck! I just got sucked into looking over these comments and I’ll never get those 5 minutes of my life back!! KUDOS to you guys… You really have a knack for sucking in people with no knowledge of popular culture or this show & giving them a few good laughs!! Sometimes curiousity kills the cat… In this case it just killed some brain cells…

  20. June 8, 2011 at 4:26 am

    Yeah- he said some things that were less than upstanding. The producers did all they could to get anything they could use out of him and then edited the heck out his statements to make it as bad as possible. He wasn’t feeling it and got out after only 3 shows knowing he could have gone all the way and gone to amazing places and made more money. The Bachelor or Bachelorette has to hang onto people they aren’t into, knowing they want someone else, for there to be a show. That’s what Ashley was apparently planning on doing, RIGHT?

    He definitely could have represented Utah and Mormons better but the fact is- he wasn’t into Ashley, so he got out. He did the right thing. RIGHT?

  21. Dyssonance
    June 8, 2011 at 7:31 am

    Bentley is my reality TV hero! I LOLed through the entire Bachelorette episode Monday night! What a hoot!

  22. Anonymous
    June 8, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    It’s hilarious to me that your website and facebook is entited Bentley Williams Apologists. Are you apologizing for him? Is he sorry? Oh wait we don’t know because he refuses to do any camera, radio, or phone interviews…..hmmmmmmmmmmmm..sounds like a guilty concience to me. If Bentley really is not guilty of all the horrible things he is being “accused” of, why is he not coming out and defending himself??!! The fact that he USED his daughter as an excuse to leave the show is beyond pathetic! I can’t even put into words how much that disgusted me being a single mom myself, it was a disgrace to say the least and someday he is going to have to explain that to his daughter when she sees it and she will! To sit here and defend such a creep makes you just as bad I hope you realize. I understand alot of editing can be done with a tv show, but all this “choppy editing” you speak of….i see none of it. The sequence that we hear is the sequence in which he said those things.

    • June 8, 2011 at 1:55 pm

      Um, I’m not quite sure how to tell you this but I’ll just say it. “APOLOGIZE” and “APOLOGIST” are two different words. Just like how “POOP” and “POOL” start with “POO” they don’t mean the same thing. If you are taking the SAT in the next year this little lesson will help. Before you post you might want to get a parent to help with some of these bigger words.

      Why is he not defending himself? He is under a contract and can’t say a thing to anyone about anything. Sure as heck he would if he could, but he cant.

      Great having you. Hope you come back.

  23. Jennifer Spengler
    June 9, 2011 at 6:06 am

    If Bentley isn’t writing these blogs, then it’s some really messed up chick who needs a psychiatrist right away.

  24. Bentley is awesome
    June 9, 2011 at 7:25 am

    I agree 100% with this post. I’m a girl. I think Bentley is awesome and he deserves a medal. The premise of the show is ridiculous and anyone who hates him for keeping it real is probably someone stupid enough to think that you could generate a successful marriage with someone you meet on a reality show.

    Bentley’s awesome. I probably wouldn’t date him, but he definitely seems like a fun friend to have.

  25. Bentley is my hero
    June 9, 2011 at 7:28 am

    I think Bentley acted with just as much class as this TV show deserves. Cheers to him.

    • audy
      June 29, 2011 at 5:01 am

      Your idiot like him, how much this dot, dot, dot pathetic pay you? Wait until he screw up your a#$%$hole.

  26. Scrynt Cauldein
    June 9, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    The author of this tripe obviously has a different perspective on what the term ‘class’ means and needs to get a dictionary to learn the correct definition. Directness… bluntness… brusqueness… okay, all those are much more applicable than ‘class’.

  27. Sia
    June 9, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    Don’t like this guy and people like you apologizing for him MAKES ME SICK AND HONESTLY DOWNFALL OF humans. SICK !

  28. Barrista
    June 9, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    I don’t see that one is better than the other “fan”… I would choose neither. But then again, I don’t think I need a man to complete me like you probably do.

  29. Barrista
    June 9, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    What I really think is that the person who wrote this is really just looking for their 15 minutes of fame by undertaking a massive internet trolling.

  30. Barrista
    June 9, 2011 at 6:34 pm

    My prediction: In 5 years the creator of this site will be arrested for stalking and breaking a restraining order filed by the lawyers of one “Bentley Williams”. Upon searching this person’s garage apartment, they will find pictures as well as big dildo’s with the name “Bentley” written on them and pictures of the afore mentioned glued to the tips!

  31. Anonymous
    June 9, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    he’s a babe and she is not. Do not blame him. This is all a joke

  32. guest
    June 9, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    Bentley, I’ve watched this fake show for years and know all about the manipulation, editing, splicing, dicing and putting sentences together. All the out of context tricks and defamation of character.

    I suggest you come out immediately and do every interview you can and tell the whole truth about how you were portrayed and spill the beans about everything else on the show. Because I believe if you don’t, your life will never be the same again.

    ABC of course will threaten to sue you since you signed the contract, but by then they will be the ones in the firepit in the court of public opinion. I highly doubt that they will sue, and if they do, then publicly threaten to countersue. Make a huge public stink about this. EVERYONE WILL WANT TO INTERVIEW YOU. I don’t know if the producers paid you for coming back to the show later in the season, but if they did, just admit it. As long as you tell the truth about everything the public will be on your side. Bring this show down for what it is – manipulative, fake, immoral and willing to literally ruin someone’s life for ratings and money.

    They may even try to buy you off, but again, from what I’ve seen on the boards, blog, internet – well – everywhere – your life will never again be the same. A lot of stupid people watch this show and believe everything they see and hear is real. For yourself and for the sake your daughter – make the truth public.

  33. Anonymous
    June 9, 2011 at 9:49 pm

    I am a girl and I just don’t think it’s a big deal. Bentley is hilarious, and sorry Bentley-haters, but you KNOW he’s gorgeous! Women LOVE that type of confidence which is why he will have NO PROBLEMS whatsoever getting them in the future. Bentley just had the balls to say what other people think. And honestly, this is only a huge deal because the episode JUST aired. Wes was hated before too….so was Brad. People will get over it. And guess what! We’ll see Bentley again because he’s good for TV and they’ll beg him to be on the next season of The Bachelor Pad. 😛

    • audy
      June 29, 2011 at 4:41 am

      How much money this idiot pay you, or you are his relative or friend trying hard to defend him. All of you need to go back to school to study about manner.

  34. Anonymous
    June 10, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I will say that Bentley is a nice looking sociopath, Oh! I mean dude.

  35. Bobbie Smith
    June 11, 2011 at 12:21 am

    How did Bentley think Emily would be there-she was engaged when the filming started? What a moron. If Ashley was that much into Bentley why didn’t he get a first date. I think that is why he ran. He was last picked the first night for a rose and didn’t get a rose until very late the 2nd ceremony and didn’t get a first date behind 3 other guys. he is so arrogant he expected the first impression rose.- first rose in the second ceremony and a rose before the ceremony in the 3rd one. She was not acting like he was all that??? He could not take the humiliation of not being sought after in a manner he expected so he made up the she’s not my type and high tailed out of there with his tail between his legs before everyone in America could see him getting no rose. Did you see his face every time someone else got a rose in the first ceremony. Watch in slo-mo he had an agonized look on his face and when it got down to only 3 left he looked like he was ready to puke??? When she had one left he looked like he could not believe it…what you don’t want me I am better than all these guys -his words not mine. I would love to have seen him after not getting a rose that first night–we were all hoping then crap he got one??? He really looked sick!! Guys like him cannot handle being dumped so they do it to others all the time before they can do it to him..what a douche bag cliche

  1. June 8, 2011 at 12:03 am
  2. June 13, 2011 at 5:09 pm
  3. June 13, 2011 at 11:55 pm
  4. June 22, 2011 at 12:58 am
  5. June 30, 2011 at 12:18 pm
  6. July 17, 2011 at 4:38 am
  7. August 2, 2011 at 3:22 pm

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