
Posts Tagged ‘jimmy kimmel’

Take a Stand Against “Violent Haters”

June 13, 2011 8 comments

I am a violent hater.

Thus begins Jenna Kim Jones’ latest post, where she not only admits to having malicious intentions toward Bentley (and presumably all other incredibly good-looking, straight-talking, authentic men) but also claims she is digging in for a long battle.

Well, Jenna Kim Jones, presumptuous comedic interloper in our reality-starved world, you’ll have to wait in line.  As we’ve already mentioned here, Jimmy Kimmel has fired the first shots against Bentley in a disturbing display of his burgeoning fascination with violence. Does Jenna have some new twist that she wants to bring to the debate?  A flair for the dramatic, perhaps, or a propensity for exaggeration?

Let us remind you, Jenna, that we have something you don’t on our side.  Put simply, we have the truth.  You may have forgotten about this in your pilgrimage from Utah to New York, but we haven’t.  Bentley’s inherent goodness, and the inherent awesomeness of his hair, will prove more than a match for any calumny you may throw at him from the safety of your Twitter fortress.

Bring it on, Jenna, bring it on.