
Posts Tagged ‘Ben’

Bentley Beats “Big League Chew” (Ben C.)

June 13, 2011 7 comments

So Ashley seems to be pretty into this guy, Ben C. What do we even know about him? Well, he is definitely pretentious (speaking French with a thick American accent on the first night), he’s a lawyer (strike 2), he’s a lawyer who can’t formulate a coherent thought (see rambling, maniacal diatribe about love and relationships), he uses lame diversions to get girls’ attention (see poster board scam in episode 1), he went to Tulane (strike 3), he’s a lousy dancer, and he resembles the Big League Chew guy. We Apologists like Big League Chew, so that’s one thing he has going for him.

Now, how excited are you to watch Big League Chew Ben flub flash dances and spout off love tirades the rest of the season? We are guessing, not very. Bet you’re missing Bentley now, aren’t you?